<h3>Here is where the beauty lies. We’ve taken that extra-mile and crafted an advanced but simple to use<strong> shortcodes plugin</strong> that will allow you to give structure and bling to your pages and posts. To ensure ease of use, everything is visual, nicely packed in a modal window accessible from the Wordpress editor. <strong>Look for that funky P button.
<h3>HR - style:solid with:100% color: secondory</h3>
<h3>HR - style:dotted with:100% color: secondory</h3>
<h3>HR - style:dotted with:100% color: #000</h3>
<h3>HR - style:dotted with:100% color: secondory</h3>
<h3>HR - style:dotted with:100% color: #000</h3>